Good to know
"Going Abroad" - Austrian and German Companies find ample support
Expanding into a new market requires a substantial investment, both in terms of time and financial resources. However, the potential benefits of finding new distribution channels for products and services also benefit the home economy, by increasing production lines and securing jobs. Therefore, oftentimes this effort to expand a local business into a global success story is supported by local governments. We have compiled a list of potential sources to make the step 'across the pond' easier for our clients that you can find here.
"Getting started" - A look at US Accounting Requirements
Understanding local rules and regulations, following financial reporting guidelines given by governing agencies, complying with local tax laws, filing timely reports and returns to the authorities, and being able to react quickly to sudden changes are of crucial importance for any business entity. Getting the right support from the beginning will avoid a lot of headaches and problems later on. This is why it is so important to have a local expert on speed dial, who can assist a company with setting up their location in the US correctly from stage one. more
The Critical Role of Communications for U.S. Market Entry
The United States remains a premier place to do business. The world’s largest economy continues to see a steady flow of inbound investment from Europe and Asia. Surprisingly, there are still companies that don’t take this logical opportunity to communicate with relevant audiences. Think of the substantial benefits a solid communications plan offers as you start building your business in the United States! more
We have had the honor and the pleasure to participate in the latest webinar hosted by the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) Duesseldorf, Germany, that focused on the current basic FDA regulations that foreign manufacturers have to keep in mind when exporting their food products into the US. We hope that the information that we and our partners at the German American Chambers of Commerce Atlanta and New York City have shared are useful, although due to the nature of the subject it can only provide a first glimpse. more